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Which Vaccines Contain Heavy Metals?

Believe it or not, your kids aren’t going to be exposed to any heavy metals when they get their routine vaccines.

The closest that they might come would be getting a flu vaccine with thimerosal, as mercury is indeed a heavy metal and thimerosal breaks down to ethylmercury. But then, the great majority of flu vaccines are now thimerosal-free, so they probably won’t.

Even if they did, it is important to note that thimerosal was removed from vaccines as a precaution, not because it was toxic.

What about aluminum?

It is no secret that many vaccines contain aluminum.

“Aluminum is a heavy metal with known neurotoxic effects on human and animal nervous systems. It can be found in the following childhood vaccines – DTaP, Pediarix (DTaP-Hepatitis B-Polio combination), Pentacel (DTaP-HIB-Polio combination), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae B (HIB), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), and Pneumococcal vaccines.”

NVIC on Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know?

Do you know what we know about aluminum?

It isn’t a heavy metal.

Heavy metals include copper, gold, iron, lead, mercury, platinum, plutonium, silver, tin, and zinc.

Aluminum is classified as a light metal. Other light metals are calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

I guess that it makes aluminum sound scarier if you say it is a heavy metal though…

It also make it sound scary if you imply that the aluminum salts in vaccines are neurotoxic. They aren’t.

But what about the idea that vaccines are contaminated with heavy metals?

“Metals including toxic lead contaminate virtually all aluminum adjuvants, a widely-used ingredient of human and animal vaccines, according to a recent study published in the leading journal of the vaccine industry.”

CMSRI on Lead, Iron, Chromium and Other Metals Routinely Contaminate Vaccine Adjuvants, Industry Study Reports

While that was the CMSRI takeaway from the study, Influence of elemental impurities in aluminum hydroxide adjuvant on the stability of inactivated Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, IXIARO, if you actually read it, you find that they found that “all aluminum hydroxide lots examined in this study met” safety guidelines from European agencies (Ph. Eur. 2.4.8) and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP 231).

And many folks think that a study ‘finding’ contamination by a few Italian scientists, New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination, actually found “that vaccines are incredibly pure.”

Vaccines are safe and necessary.

Don’t let folks scare you from vaccinating and protecting your kids by making you think they contain heavy metals or anything other “toxin.”

What to Know About Heavy Metals in Vaccines

Vaccines do not contain any toxic heavy metals.


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